IDFA is delayed. Phew. What now

Stuart McMullin
2 min readSep 13, 2020

Apple has recently delayed the launch of iOS14 which in turn will delay the launch of a new prompt that will give users the ability to easily opt out of IDFA tracking. The delay allows developers, app reliant companies, and Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) more time to make the necessary changes.

Upcoming Changes:

Up Front Data Collection Practices

In an effort to force app companies to be more transparent and accountable, Apple is requiring companies to tell users what information will be passed before downloading. This will be seen on the app product page.

Examples of information you can expect are third-party SDKs, sharing of emails or IDFAs or any other IDs, or the sharing of location data.

Information Collection Prompt

After the user downloads, a new prompt must be deployed giving users the option to be tracked. If the permission to track was denied, the devices advertising identifier value (IDFA) will be all zeros. The advertised app can control “Your data will be used to deliver personalized ads to you” in the prompt below and therefore could help potential tracking through language.

Ad Networks Must Register with Apple’s SKAdnetwork

Registration allows Apple to send postbacks that can then be funneled into the ad network at the campaign-level. The payload will be limited only including the campaign ID for mapping, conversion value if applicable, and the source app’s ID if that value meets Apple’s privacy threshold. The payload will trigger 24 hours after the user installs and opens the app.

While the delay is welcomed by most everyone in the industry, the shift is coming. Apple is setting a new precedent in data privacy that will have a monumental down stream effect on advertising but ultimately I believe a balance will be struck and app tracking for efficiently will be figured out.

